For many years, native people of the Amazon region have known about a special type of rich, dark soil to be found here and there, and in these areas they planted their crops when feasible. Scientists have found this super-fertile soil to be self-renewing; that is, it never needs to lie fallow or to have other organic materials added. In addition, crops grown in it are quite rich in nutrients.
It’s assumed this soil, full of ceramic fragments and charcoal, was somehow created by humans of a civilization that existed in the distant past. The implication is that the region could indeed have supported a far greater population than previously thought possible.
Considering that experts in the field are gathering increasing evidence of sophistication in ancient road-building, managed lands, and agriculture, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate both the “legends” and theories of those who journeyed in the wilderness long before the existence of satellites, GPS, and presumptions of a strictly linear evolution of civilization.